FYI, mummy is not available today. I heard mummy telling daddy that today is her SITS day. I guess mummy will be busy sitting the whole day now... I think she needed that since she's always running around chasing after me... ;p
Anyway, the show must go on. I have no choice but to take over the blog reins from mummy - well just for today. Now, let me tell you guys about myself.
Mummy and daddy decided before I was born that I will be breastfed no matter how hard or difficult it may be. I'm 14 months+ now and still on mummy's breast milk apart from my oats solids and stuff. 14 months+! Can you believe it?!
And mummy and daddy also decided that they will do their own DIY confinement during the 2 months mummy went on maternity leave. Anyway, when mummy returned back to work after 2 months of maternity leave, she had to make the saddest decision in her working life...
What decision? It is to quit her job so that she can take care of me full time. A lot of things were being considered but in the end, decisions were made and mummy officially became a SAHM when I was 3 months old! She then had to make the same decision again, which is to stay on being a SAHM when I was 13 months old.
My name is Benjamin, I am born on 4th March 2009. I'm 14.5 months old now. You can call me Ben but please don't call me Ben-pire or even Ben-bleebee... Even though I look cute in the bee costume ;p

Mummy said she had a supernatural childbirth with me. How supernatural? I don't know... I kinda guessed she just lie on the bed, chilling out like how I posed here in this picture and just sort of squirt me out or something! I mean, how supernatural could a childbirth be?? 
And mummy and daddy also decided that they will do their own DIY confinement during the 2 months mummy went on maternity leave. Anyway, when mummy returned back to work after 2 months of maternity leave, she had to make the saddest decision in her working life...
What decision? It is to quit her job so that she can take care of me full time. A lot of things were being considered but in the end, decisions were made and mummy officially became a SAHM when I was 3 months old! She then had to make the same decision again, which is to stay on being a SAHM when I was 13 months old.
I am so happy I can stay at home with mummy all the time!
Mummy also enjoyed seeing me trying out new things... like the time I first started my solids at 6 months old and why she decided to prepare my solids instead of buying processed / jar food, and few months later when she got me this baby food feeder.
I do however remember how sad mummy is when she told daddy we need to retire dear Pink Walker. I remember spending a lot of happy moments with it but mummy says I am a big boy now and must learn to walk and stand up by myself.
Mummy said I'm always up to something and she always tells people 'babies these days....' and she also said finger pointing is dangerous when she realized I could do that one day and then mummy will just smile and keep quiet... I wonder what she means... hmmmm... grown ups and their weird thinking... sigh...
Sometimes, whenever anyone complains to mummy about how sh*tty their job is and that mummy gets off the hook easily now that she's a SAHM and not under anyone's order to do anything, mummy will tell them that her job is the sh*ttiest in the world. You should really check this post out to know how sh*tty is mummy's job in taking care of me ;p
Ever since mummy became a SAHM, she only went on medical leave for one day that is when she got stomach flu. (oh, and another time for flu) And, being a SAHM means she does not get any salary or bonus or increment since she does not get appraised by any boss/supervisor. (Psst... mummy did hinted to daddy by posting her self appraisal notes in this blog which daddy eventually rewarded her heheheh...)

You should check out some of the pictures she posted of me on the Wordless Wednesday meme.
Other than that, mummy also helps daddy out with his own IT business. Talking about daddy, hmmm... he is often out at work, either meeting clients or involved in IT projects. Luckily grandma was around to help mummy take care of me.
So anyway, when daddy is not busy at work, we will normally either chill out at home (think of how busy I have to be to entertain them both!!! :P) or we will all go out for a family outing. I like it a lot when daddy and mummy are at home, then I can play all day long... :D
Recently, mummy always let me play at the balcony, either just plain chilling and relaxing or play and splash water at the balcony before I go for my bath. It's so fun!! (p.s: Some of mummy's bloggy friends have started falling in love with my chubby thighs because of this picture!)

Anyway, I am tired already. All these typing while mummy is still giggling away with her SITS is really making me tired and sleepy.(I mean, how can someone be so happy hearing that they have to SIT the whole day?!)
Please do remember to drop by mummy's blog from time to time. She does come up with good posts every time!
I would also like to thank mummy's followers, and her regular bloggy friends. They always drop by and commented on mummy's blog and checking out my latest updates. That and drooling after my chubby thighs of course! ;p
Till then, stay safe and happy! And thank you to the lovely ladies over at SITS who arranged for mummy to sit today and for you all who dropped by and spend time reading through mummy's posts in this blog. I'll make sure mummy replied all your wonderful and sweet comments! :)
Ben thanks for filling in for your mummy. Appreciated your post, great job! ^^
Happy SITS day! Enjoy it! Your blog is adorable!!!
Happy SITS day! Your son is SO adorable!!!
Congrats on your SITS Day! What a beautiful baby!
Oh I forgot to tell you, I spent about 2 weeks in KL about 4 years ago. Went on a school mission trip and loved it!
Happy SITS day and congrats!
Cute that you had the baby write the post.
Enjoy your big day!
Hi! Happy SITS Day! Benjamin is such a cutie!
Happy SITS Day to your mummy, Benjamin! You are so cute!
Hi Jenny! Wow Im the first one to comment... Happy SITS day!! You have a wonderful son!! Love the photos... ..... Oh God, I miss Malaysia!
Happy SITS Day! (Woo Hoo! I get to be the first to say that!) I just decided to be a full time mom myself.
What a gorgeous boy! I get to stay at home with mine, too, and I feel like I'm getting away with something every single day! Let's enjoy, for soon enough they will be off to college ...
Happy SITS day!
There you are! I couldn't find your comments section! Glad I did! Stopping over from SITS to say hi and congrats on your big day. Your little guy is just adorable!! I was also a SAHM and loved it! :) xoxo
Happy SITS Day! I bet you make your mummy so happy with all your cuteness and stuff!
How dang cute is this post?! I loved it! I'm already an avid follower of your adorable, great blog!!
Happy SITS day Miss! xo
Happy SITS Day^^ Hope you enjoy it. Take a little time for yourself and have a party xD
Aw, cute! Happy SITS Day!!
Your child is very cute. Happy SITS day! Come check me out sometime =)
Great post :) Your little one is absolutely ADORABLE! Happy SITS day!!
What a cute blog! Happy SITs day!
Good post Benjamin! Please could you tell your Mummy that I say congratulations for her SITS day and that I hope she enjoys it. Thank you, you're a real sweetie!
Happy SITS Day! Too bad you don't just get to sit around on your special day, huh?!?
Happy SITS Day!
Congrats on SITS day!
Happy SITS day to mummy! I hope she's sitting down when she sees the influx of comments ;)
from one SAHM to another--Happy SITS day!! and hello to Ben. ;-)
Happy SITS day!
Ben, you are such a good writer! ;)
Hi Jenny, Happy SITS Day! Congrats! Ben is adorable! Best wishes, Carla. :)
Ben is adorable!! I love his post for you. Very informative! Off to have a look around... Happy SITS day!!
Happy SITS Day! Your blog is adorable & so is Ben. *sigh* I miss those baby days. My son is 5 & starting Kindergarten this fall.
Please give your mommy my congratulations on her SITS day.
I, too, decided to be a SAHM, and it was the best decision I've ever made. Happy SITS day!
What a great idea for a post - your baby is adorable!
What an adorable baby and what a fabulous and witty writer you are! Love it!
Happy SITS Day- so well deserved I can tell!
Good job Big Ben. Tell your Mommy CONGRATS on her SITS Day (which in "big people talk" means YAY!! It's my Special Day!!") and tell her I think you are so stinkin cute it makes my ovaries weep. Enjoy your day!!
Tell your mummy: HAPPY SITS DAY!! & make sure she plays a lot with you for writing such a wonderful post! It makes mommies proud when their children notice what they are doing and give them praise! :)
Happy SITS DAY!!!
Enjoy it!!!
Benjamin, you are such a cutie patootie!!! You did a good job filling in for your mama today! ;-) A very Happy SITS Day to her!
Congrats on your very own SITS Day!
I love your beautiful baby boy...he is one cute little guy!
What a little cutie! Congrats on your SITS day!
Happy SITS day! Glad you're getting a day to SIT. I need one of those! Enjoy it!
AWWW, have a GREAT day!
I tried teaching my boys to run my blog, but they just wouldn't have it. What a cutie. Have a great SITS Day.
Happy SITS Day! Your son is quite the charmer!
Your little guy is a sweetie -- and how cute to have him write your post! ;)
I'm a SAHM too. It's not an easy job, but I've been thankful to be able to do it!
Happy SITS day!
Happy SITS Day! Your little guy is adorable!
This was so cute! Love that you told it from the baby's perspective. And loved the "SITS" day comment about having a day to just sit. I can't remember the last time that has happened to me!! Congrats on being featured!
Happy SITS day! What a delightful post. Your photos of your boy are an absolute delight.
Such a cute baby and great blog!
stop by, I've got a jewelry giveaway until 5/26!
(and it's my first giveaway! yay!)
Happy SITS day - this is such a cute post! I love the way you've written it. Hope you get lots of great new readers and commenters today!
Well now I see who's really running things. What a cutie! You have a wonderful blog.
Happy SITS day!
Happy SITS Day! Ben you're one day younger than my little guy. So cute!
Jenny, you deserve a SIT day. Enjoy!
Congratulations on your feature Day! Enjoy!
Ben, you're a cutie! Wish your mummy a happy SITS day from me, and check out my blog for some fun toddler art projects and more!
So excited about your SITS day! Hope you get LOTS of comment love!! Enjoy your day! you deserve it!!
Happy SITS Day! Ben is a CUTIE!!! :)
Happy SITS day. I love your blog. And oh how cute. Hope you enjoy your day.
Enjoy your SITS day! Your son is absolutely adorable!
Happy SITS Day!! your little man is so cute!
What a darling, darling boy. Congratulations
Happy SITS day!
What a little cutie :D
Now that's one adorable, and impressively well-spoken, baby! And I love the quote in your header, beautiful.
Happy SITS day! Enjoy being Queen of the bloggers
Happy SITS Day!!
Your son is such a cutie pie!!
Ok, your son is absolutely precious. I love his cheeky lil smile and naturally those chubblies made ME smile!
Happy SITS day!
Benjamin, could you tell mommy happy SITS day for me? Thank you!!
Oh that did brighten my day. What a cutie, that smile is killer (at 14mos). You had me at cheeky.
Congrats on your mummy's SITS day!
What a cute blog (and a super-cute Ben)! I'm a SAHM, also, so your posts ring true at our house, too. I'm also a new blogger, so reading blogs like yours helps me in my blogging quest. Thanks!
My blog is: I'd love the feedback!
Happy SITS day! SAHM I salute you!
It is only the most challenging job on the planet. I know because I have
the same job.
Great post Ben, thanks for giving mummy a break.
She is too cute!! Congrats on your day!!
Came from SITS to say congrats on your day
Happy SITS day!
What an adorable little monkey you have!
Love it! Ben is an awesome writer and it sounds like mummy had to make the same decision I did! Going from a working mommy to a SAHM is a hard but worthwhile feat! Ben is a very lucky little boy!
Happy SITS day!
Happy SITS Day. You have a beautiful blog and a beautiful little boy.
Happy SITS day! Enjoy those chubby little thighs! What a cutie he is!
Hi Jenny! So good to meet you and your blog! Enjoy your SITS day. Your son is precious!!
What a cutie you are, Ben. Your mommy and daddy are the luckiest around.
Happy SITS day to your mommy. I hope she doesn't SIT all day.
I liked your take on SITs Day... I'm just recovering from mine 2 weeks ago! You'll have a blast today!
Brilliant! Nice job, SITstah! Happy to meet you and I'm following you on twitter and google. Beautiful baby!!
Happy SITS Day. Enjoyed your post.
Happy SITS day!! Your blog is absolutely adorable!!
Happy SITS Day!
Happy SITS Day! Great post title "Mummy gets to SIT today"!
That is one cute kid! Happy SITS day!
Happy SITS Day! Your baby is adorable!
Happy SITS day!!! What a cutie
Absolutely adorable - the blog AND of course your son!
I love that your post was from Ben's point of view that totally cracked me up :)
Great job Ben! Awesome post! And while your mom is "sitting" tell her Happy SITS day! You are a doll, and I'm sure keep her very busy!
Happy SITS Day! Enjoy it!
Happy SITS day!
If I had the option of quitting my job(s) it wouldn't be even the least bit sad. It would be the best day of my life!
And I fought to breastfeed, too! At 15 months, we're still nursing.
Happy SITS day. Great birth story.
Congrats on your SITS day. Now "SIT" back and relax and enjoy the comment love!!
Happy SITS day. This is an adorable post.
Your story is truly a blessing. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your son, in first person. A pleasure to meet this young gentleman. Stopping by from SITS.
Have a truly delightful week. :)
Well it's nice to meet you, Ben! Can I call you Benny?
I work in a pediatric dental office and have a friendly, non-nagging reminder for your mum (really! I don't mean to nag!!!) The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that you have your 1st dentist visit by now, if you haven't already :)
This blog is ADORABLE! I love it! Happy SITS day to Ben and his mum!
Happy SITS day to you!
Bask in the limelight!
Oh, Benjamin, you are so cute! Tell your mummy to have a Happy SITS Day!
Happy SITS day! Ben is a gorgeous little guy, and he blogs so nicely. :)
too cute! happy sits day to you, enjoy!
Congrats on being featured blogger! I'm visiting from SITS and I hope your day is wonderful! Your son is absolutely precious!
Happy SITS Day! Your son is adorable!! I'm eager to check out your blog!
Happy SITS day. Love your blog. Your son is a doll!
Happy SITS Day
Cute pics!
Happy SITS day! Your blog is so fun, and your son is adorable!
Happy SITS Day! Tell your Mummy she has an awesome blog! :D
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Jenny! He is the cutest thing! I always love seeing him when I come here to visit. I am so glad you get to be a stay at home mommy to your wonderful son. Have a great SITS day!
Happy SITS day!!
Happy SITS day! Your little one is adorable.
Happy SITS day!! You have a new follower! Come and visit me at Mama's Little Chick!
Mama Hen
Awww, what a sweetie! Love that quote in your true!
Jamie :)
p.s. Happy SITS day
Happy SITS DAY! (Or night, as the case may be!!)
Great, happy site! As a SAHM, I'll have to return to get "recharged" -- it IS the toughest job in the world!!
Congrats on your SITS Day! I also have a little Benjamin in my home. He turns 2 next month. You have such a sweet blog. I'll be following from now on :-)
Happy SITS day! Your little boy is super cute!!!
Ben, tell your Mummy, "Happy SITS Day!!". You are adorable and your Mummy has a great blog!
Benjamin-Tell your Momma happy SITS Day, and that she sure has a cute blog and an even cuter baby!!
PS-let her SIT today it is her special day!!
Wow! That Ben is a lucky dude because he is so loved. I like the way you wrote it from his perspective - different and creative. Happy SITS day!
What a fun post and an adorable boy!!
Devan @ Accustomed Chaos
What a cute post. Happy SITS Day!
I was here the other day...I recognized this sweet blog immediately. Happy SITS day...and I need to babysit for you...seriously, seriously sweet little one!
Happy SITS day! Your son is a handsome lucky little guy!
Congratulations on your SITS Day!! Such a little cutie pie you have, he's the same age as my little girl.
Very cute blog. Love the talking baby theme! Happy SITS day!
I found your sit through SITS and just wanted to say your son is adorable.
Happy SITS day! I love the picture by the laptop!
Happy SITS day! I'm a new follower! I've been reading through your posts and I love your blog!
Ben, you are too cute. Would you please tell Mummy that I dropped by to wish her a happy SITS day.
You have the cutest baby ever! I too breastfed, but had to return to work :(
Stopping by from SITS! Enjoy your day!
Hi!! Your son is so adorable!!! Cute blog.... Happy SITS Day!!!!
can't stay long...chocolate just got poured all over my couch!!!
Congrats on being the FB over at SITS! Your little Ben is such a cutie. And, wow, that supernatural birth. Awesome that everyone came out of that healthy! :)
Happy SITS day.
What a sweetie!
What a simply adorable post, thanks Ben!! Tell Mummy happy SITs Day for me.
Ben you are super cute! I hope you are enjoying your day in the spotlight!
Happy SITS day!
I love the bee costume! I don't have any little ones yet, but I feel like I might do as you did and quit my job to stay at home with my baby. I wouldn't want to miss out on all of those special firsts. How fun! Happy Sits day!
Happy SITS day! Your little Ben is so cute!
Happy SITS Day! I too have a 14 month old and I love watching him grow everyday! =)
A very lucky little guy to have his Mommy make a priority to be with him every day! You will never ever regret it.
what a cutie pie! happy sits day!
Hey, congrats on your NCB in a hospital and extended bfing! I have had to NCBs also one in a birth center and one at home. I also bfed one for 23 months and the other is 2 years 4 months and still going.
Your son is super cute!!
Happy SITS Day!!!
Come visit me!
So cute! Happy SITS day!
Happy SITS day to you, Jenny!! Ben has quite the sense of humor!! Cute post!
What an adorable post.
Happy SITS Day!
absolutely adorable. Makes me miss my babies. I just love those little diaper bums... when they are empty that is ;) Happy SITS day!
Hi Ben, Tell you mom that I am so happy about her day to shine with SITS. I hope she is enjoying sitting down all day :) I had never heard of this DIY confinement and I found it very interesting. I bet that being a SAHM with you is the best thing that she will ever do in her life.
Bye bye sweet Ben.
Congrats, SITSta! And that baby of yours is to. Die. For!!!
happy sits day! what a beautiful baby! I am a sahm to a 23 month old who is still breastfeeding
Just so completely adorable! Happy SITS day!
happy sitsday!
Happy SITS DAY! What a brilliant little boy Ben is to let mommy put her feet up today and enjoy her accolades while he regales us with stories of life with mom. LOL!
Seriously, this is truly a smart and creative way to welcome visitors today and so I applaud you again for that!!!
My Main Blog is:
happy happy SITS day :)
Just too cute! Hope you had a great SITS Day!! Some how I missed yesterday's post!
I love the blog. I'll be a new follower!
Happy SITS day...a few das late!!!
Happy SITS Day!
Stopping by from SITS~Congrats on your day! Your boy is just a cutie patootie and I so admire your ability to be a are a rock star in my book!
Tell your Mummy "Happy SITS Day" You're a cutie!
I Love, Love, LOve the way you did this post. Soooo cute!
I breastfed my first daughter for 19 months and the second one for 22 months. Good for you. Breast is BEST! =)
~Mrs. Albright
Happy SITS day!!!! Your cutie is ADORABLE!
Happy Sits Day!!!
Loved your post!
Ben is adorable! Happy SITS day!!!
I hope that you had a great SITS day! I am a little behind on my blog reading today. Your little Ben is so adorable. Great post!
Getting to you late from sits!! Love your post and Looking forward to seeing more from you!!
Happy SITS day!!
Happy SITS day!! Following. :D
Fun blog post from your very literate and well-spoken son! Congrats on making a happy transition from a "work-outside-the house" mom to a SAHM. It's not always easy to do. And kudos for being a featured SITS blog!
hey there! happy sits day!! I'm glad you've enjoyed it! :)
this was very sweet coming from that adorable little perspective... I could just squeeze those little cheeks of the cheekiest smile ever! ;)
I watched this sahm video today. since you've recently decided again to stay at home, I thought you'd maybe be encouraged by it... it's nice.
amy in peru
He is absolutely adorable - I love the bog and especially your guest blooger for the day...
Happy SITS day
Happy SITS day. What an adorable son you have. Congratulations on reaching you breastfeeding goals. What an amazing woman you are. ;)
Happy SITS day!! Enjoy!!!!
I missed it yesterday too! Happy-belated SITS day...he's is adorable! So glad you get to stay home w/ him!
Happy SITS day! Your little Ben is so cute! I'm looking forward to looking around your blog!
Ok Jenny, your child is just about the cutest baby ever! Happy SITS day!
Happy SITS day. I know I'm late.
Happy SITS! So glad I stopped by. Looks like you have lots of funny stories to share.
Loved your blog! It was so creative and funny coming from your son. Benjamin is adorable!
Happy SITS day!
I know I'm coming in here at the end of your day! Hope you enjoyed it!
That was a supernatural birth. :)
Happy SITS day! That has got to be one of the most clever SITS day posts I have ever seen :) You have an adorable little boy (and such a good typer for his age)
oh sweet lil Ben-i-poo =) You didn't say I couldn't say that, haha! You have another bloggy friend in love with your chunky little thighs =) They actually match my baby's thighs, she is only a little older than you at 19 months. Your cheeky smile brightened my evening, thanks & Happy SITS day to your Mum!
Ben you are awesome!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ BEN ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Happy SITS day Jenny.
Happy SITS day!! I love this post. Its so creative!!
I love how much Benjamin seems to love the camera! Can he come give pointers to my two little kiddos? They seem to run the other direction whenever I get our camera out. :( Great blog! Visiting from SITS!
Tanya@ Little Life Improvements
Latest blog: 5 Days of Freeze Ahead Quick Breakfasts #3: Jumbo Cinnamon Muffins
OMG Jenny!! This is the cutest post EVER!! I loved reading about your adventures :) Ben is soo cute, that smile is contagious!! I loved learning about your family. Glad you got to SIT all day, ha ha!
I was late getting here, I'm so sorry! I hope you had an awesome SITS day - and Ben, you are too cute!
I'm now following :D
A day late -- so I hope your day was FAB-U-LOUS!!! Ben is such a wordy child for 14 months! :) LOVE IT.
Hope you can keep the cheer going all week! :)
Happy SITS Day! You son is such a cutie!
Happy SITS day!
Super cute blog & super cute baby! I love the bumblebee picture!
Hi Jenny & Ben-pire!
What an interesting article! Ben is going to be a great writer one day and that is because he only learn from the very best, mummy :)
Bravo Jenny.. and Ben-pire of course =D
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