Thursday 2 July 2009

Checklist of Early Child Development

Let's see what my Ben (turning to 4 months old this 4th July) has been doing so far...

By 4 months your baby should . . .
* Track an object from side-to-side Check! Done at 3mths old, even track up and down...
* Turn head toward a familiar voice Check! Done at 3mths old
* Make sounds when looking at toys or people Check! Done at 3mths old
* Respond by making cooing sounds and moving arms and legs Check! Done at 2mths old
* Laugh and smile at you Check! Done at 3mths old
* Lift head and support self on forearms Check! Done at 3mths old
* Bring both hands to chest when lying on back Check! Done at 3mths old
* Hold head steady when supported in a sitting position Check! Done at 3.5mths old
* Reach for an object when supported in a sitting position Check! Done at 3.5mths old
* Hold an object briefly when placed in hand Check! Done at 3mths old
* Make eye contact Check! Done at 3mths old

By 6 months your baby should . . .
* Follow a moving object with eyes Check! Done at 3mths old
* Look in the direction of a new sound Check! Done at 3mths old
* Respond to his or her name
* Smile and babble when given adult attention Check! Done at 3mths old
* Vocalize pleasure and displeasure (squeal with excitement or grunt in anger) Check! Done at 2.5mths old
* Have a conversation by babbling with you Check! Done at 2.5mths old
* Roll from back to stomach or stomach to back Check! Done at 3.5mths old
* Push up on hands when on tummy Check! Done at 3.5mths old
* Sit with support Check! Done at 3.5mths old
* Use hands to reach, grasp, bang and splash Check! Done at 3.5mths old
* Bat or hit objects Check! Done at 3mths old
* Bring hands or toy to mouth Check! Done at 3.5mths old
* Pat and pull at your hair, glasses and face Check! Done at 2.5mths old, one of the primary reason for me wanting to cut my hair short...
* Sleep and feed at regular times Check for night time sleeping, feeding every 2.5 to 3 hours interval at 3.5mths onwards
* Recognize familiar people Check! Done at 4mths old

By 9 months your baby should . . .
* Look for a hidden toy
* Imitate facial expressions Check! Done at 4mths old
* Turn to look for a source of sound
* Understand short instructions
* Babble a series of different sounds Check! Done at 4mths old
* Make sounds to get attention Check! Done at 3mths old
* Sit without support for a few minutes
* Attempt to move by crawling, bum shuffling or pivoting on tummy Check! Done at 3.5mths old, one of the reason we need to lower down our bed now... :(
* Pull up to standing position and stand with support
* Pass an object from one hand to the other
* Pick up small items using thumb and first finger
* Put small items in mouth
* Bang two objects together
* Have a special smile for familiar adults Check! Done at 2mths old, Ben and his cheeky smile for me every morning when I greet him :)
* Reach to be picked up or held Check! Done at 3.5mths old
* Drop items on purpose
* Look for items when dropped

By 12 months your baby should . . .
* Look at a person who is saying their name
* Understand simple requests and questions
* Chatter to toys or people using three different sounds
* Take turns making sounds with you Check! Done at 3.5mths old
* Imitate non-speech sounds
* Hold, bite and chew crackers
* Get into sitting position without help
* Crawl or bum shuffle with ease
* Walk holding your hands or furniture
* Pick up small items using tips of thumb and first finger
* Take items out of a container
* Show many emotions such as affection, anger, joy or fear
* Initiate games such as pat-a-cake or peek-a-boo with you
* Seek comfort
* Use facial expressions, actions and sounds to make needs known or to protest
* Wave good-bye
* Look at a book
* Begin to roll a ball

Ben at 3.5mths trying to crawl... :)

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