This morning, I was out at the front porch with MIL and Ben just having some fresh air. And then, I looked up and saw this...
Can you see what is it?
What? Can't see it clearly? There's something hanging up there...
Wait.. wait... let me zoom closer with my Sony Cybershot camera... OK, here you go...
Now one final really-really close up look at it...
Yes... now can you see clearly what it is?
It's TWO happy clingy bats loitering around in my house porch. We used to have only one of it but it seems that this morning, our little batman (or woman) has found its own partner and decided to bring him/her back and stay together.
I am not superstitious but according to this website, having a bat in the house could mean both good and bad luck.
It is lucky if:
* A bat falls or hit you.
It is unlucky for:
* Having a bat in the house is a sign of death in the family. (Eh?? Touch wood touch wood...)
* Seeing a bat in the daytime. (Oh great!! I even took snapshots of it and post it up in my blog! Oh horror!!!)
* Killing a bat shortens your life. (As if I even bother to kill it... though MIL has been threatening to use a long pole to shoo it away...)
* Bats flying around a wedding ceremony.
Anyway, this bat has been around our house for sometime... Since we moved in 2 years ago, we started noticing it coming and sleeping throughout the daytime about a year back. We don't really bother with it (except MIL again...) even though it has been causing some problems to our car. You see, our car is parked directly underneath it (cos there is shades) and our dear little batty friend here will go out at night, look for fruits and stuff and eat it while hanging upside down in its happy place up there... and dropped all the fruits skins and seeds onto the car bonnet and the floor. It caused quite a mess and sometimes the dirt sticks on to the car and we need to scrub quite hard to remove the stains.
And now, it brings back a partner??!! Whoaaaaa...
What should I do?
1. Poke it with a pole hoping that it will fly away (and not attack me) but then if it fell or hit on me, I'll be LUCKY!!! :P
2.Put some oil or grease on the pole where he hangs so that he won't be able to grip onto it any longer...
3. Leave them two lovebirdsbats alone (and hope they won't start breeding and have bat babies...)
Any other suggestions?
What? Can't see it clearly? There's something hanging up there...
Wait.. wait... let me zoom closer with my Sony Cybershot camera... OK, here you go...
It's TWO happy clingy bats loitering around in my house porch. We used to have only one of it but it seems that this morning, our little batman (or woman) has found its own partner and decided to bring him/her back and stay together.
I am not superstitious but according to this website, having a bat in the house could mean both good and bad luck.
It is lucky if:
* A bat falls or hit you.
It is unlucky for:
* Having a bat in the house is a sign of death in the family. (Eh?? Touch wood touch wood...)
* Seeing a bat in the daytime. (Oh great!! I even took snapshots of it and post it up in my blog! Oh horror!!!)
* Killing a bat shortens your life. (As if I even bother to kill it... though MIL has been threatening to use a long pole to shoo it away...)
* Bats flying around a wedding ceremony.
Anyway, this bat has been around our house for sometime... Since we moved in 2 years ago, we started noticing it coming and sleeping throughout the daytime about a year back. We don't really bother with it (except MIL again...) even though it has been causing some problems to our car. You see, our car is parked directly underneath it (cos there is shades) and our dear little batty friend here will go out at night, look for fruits and stuff and eat it while hanging upside down in its happy place up there... and dropped all the fruits skins and seeds onto the car bonnet and the floor. It caused quite a mess and sometimes the dirt sticks on to the car and we need to scrub quite hard to remove the stains.
And now, it brings back a partner??!! Whoaaaaa...
What should I do?
1. Poke it with a pole hoping that it will fly away (and not attack me) but then if it fell or hit on me, I'll be LUCKY!!! :P
2.Put some oil or grease on the pole where he hangs so that he won't be able to grip onto it any longer...
3. Leave them two love
Any other suggestions?
if you poke 'em with a stick/pole they'll sure attck you! That's according to jeff corwin (hehe) so don't poke 'em. I think scaring them with smoke (from a torch, perhaps) will work. those two guys are scary...
Don't they eat mosquitoes too? I'd keep them around if that was the case!
Geese. This is a problem. While I would love to think you can leave Mr & Mrs Bat alone, bat babies are a real possibility, and that would be bad. And that stick suggestions sounds dangerous (even though kind of funny).
I have read before about safe bird deterrents that can be installed where they are perching. Maybe there is something similar for bats. Or maybe it is as easy as installing a bright light and turning the darn thing on during the day.
Good luck! Happy SITS Saturday.
They'll eat all your bugs, though, so that's a good thing. And, you know, they're blind as a bat! SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did...
Workin' at the Car Wash, Yeah
Hi Anne!
Ermm... according to my MIL, these type of fruit bats are blind during daytime.. so if we ever decide to go for poking, I don't think the batties will not what hit them :P
Oh I love bats, they're super cute! I know that here they are protected so if you find them nesting in your loft or whatever, you can't get rid of them you just have to leave them be!!
Good luck whatever you decide lol!
Hi Polly (aka 5thsister),
Do they? I think they are fruit bats cos as far as I can see, we still have mosquitoes around the house especially after heavy rain.. (which is like NOW... bahhhhhhh...)
Hey Tina Lane!
If the 2 lovebats decided to start having babies, just stay tuned for me to snap some shots on all the babies hanging upside down in a row (oh horror again when I think of the mess and dirt they are going to cause!!) Thanks for dropping by my blog btw!
Hello Melissa B,
Like what I was telling thirdy_smom (aka Anne), if they are blind, maybe I could poke them since they won't know what hit them... :P Thanks for dropping by my blog btw!
Hey Bex!
I'm not sure whether they are protected here in Malaysia but I don't think they are dangerous since I can only find fruits skins and seeds (and not bones and remains of flesh of small creatures *horror!*)
I'm kinda waiting and see whether my MIL is going to poke them with a long pole one of these days though... :P
ewwww I would be leaning towards leaving them alone so they leave happy. so I think wait and see!
Isn't their poo really toxic and bad for you and your stuff? =-P
Either that or it makes a really good fertilizer...
I think you should catch them and give them to a zoo or release them in someone (who you don't like XD) else's house.
That's so creepy to just see them hanging there staring at you! Yikes. Good luck getting rid of them.
Hi Melissa!
I'm kinda waiting to see whether my MIL is going to poke them with a long pole one of these days hehehe... :P
Hey Mark!
Toxic meh the poo?? I didn't know that.. anyway, the mess they caused dunno which is fruits pieces or which is their poo lah! You think got any zoo what the bats? Hmmmmm...
Hello Tesa!
Yeah, they kinda look creepy with their gross wings and scary eyes...
Hi jenny,
Yah you're right they are blind and that they are bats who eats fruits only. Some bats specially those that are in Asia are vegetarians. Even so, they have a radar-like sensor that they can use to know the location of the attacker (if in case you try to poke 'em) if you really wanna get rid of 'em (if they are already disturbing), try to call animal control organization or some sort for professional help (we don't wanna harm those little batties, right?)but for simple home remedy, try shooing them away with smoke, light (from a flashlight), or mirror. sorry if it sounds like I'm lecturing hehehehehe
Hi Anne!
Darn it.. I was getting happy when you say bats in Asia are vegetarians (so that I can poke without fearing they are going to bite me) and then you tell me they have radar like sensr and know the attacker's location... hmmmmm....
Don't worry, you don't sound lecture-y (if there's such a word) at all. Appreciate your help anyway! :)
Umm.. Wow! I would not have been close enough, even with a zoom lens, to get photos of them. Hope it all turns out okay for you and your family.
Just stopping by from SITS to say Hello!
Hi Jenny. Stopping by SITS to say, "hello". I wish you all the best in 2010.
Kindest regards,
Hello Paige!
So far the batties are still being friendly... :P Thanks for dropping by!
Hi Brook!
Hello to you too! And all the best for 2010 as well!
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